Thursday, August 20, 2009

Contract time

Contract is in my hand, well its in my email anyway. Had a chance to quickly look it over last night and lets just say I'm not thrilled with it. For starters, the IPs want me to lower a couple of my fees by almost half and I'm sorry but that ain't gonna happen. Reason they want it lower? Based on the fees of other surrogates profiles they viewed.... Sorry, having been through a multiple pregnancy and never having had that major abdominal surgery called a c-section and never wanting it, I'm not willing to lower those fees.
And, thats just the tip of the iceberg so to speak. So much language crap that I'm NOT ok with. I don't think they should have much of a say in who my doctor is nor do I think they should be able to choose my doctor, I also don't think I should be contractually obligated to having them in the delivery room "if they so choose", especially if our relationship isn't wonderful. As for doctors, well I've worked with 2 OBs and I won't work any others unless I have no choice such as the OB no longer practices and both OBs have been absolutely wonderful with myself, the pregnancies and the IPs at the time.
There are a couple other things that need to be changed but I don't think that will be a big issue.

Unfortunately, I won't have a chance to talk with Ansil about any of this for a while yet so I don't know what his thought is on it.

I'm not very happy right now though and it makes it hard to respond in a nice way. I told the coordinator that those 2 fees are non-negotiable right from the beginning, my decision hasn't and won't change no matter what. I'm afraid this isn't going to work out.