Sunday, December 20, 2009

Time to update once again

J&M from Spain decided that they liked me as much as I liked them and want to move forward with me! We have the contracts right now so we are in the negotiation phase. I was really hoping that Keely, the program coordinator, would have included a few other requests but I guess we didn't get that far with the last couple so she probably didn't know all of the changes I wanted.

In any case, I reviewed the contract this weekend, talked it over a bit with Ansil (to which I got the usual response to do as I saw fit, wow, lots of help there buddy LOL) and finally sat down today to write up my contract revision requests. I don't honestly know how this couple is going to react to the requests, although it's not like I'm asking for huge changes that will force them to pay more than they planned, they are basically wording changes which can be harmless enough. But, everyone thinks differently so the simple wording changes might be a big deal to them.

I really hope that this can all be wrapped up by the first of the year or the first week in January so we are ready to move full speed ahead when the RE is back in the office.

Keep your fingers crossed for me and say a little prayer that this goes relatively smoothly! I need some good news again. :)