Friday, May 29, 2009

Biting nails!

Well, I just heard that my profile has been sent to a German couple who speak very good English! I'm so nervous and so excited I can't put it into words!!! This is really happening again and I can't believe it. I didn't think my wonderful husband would ever allow me to but he has and things are moving along nice and smooth. Wish us luck that this first couple will be THE couple and it will be another amazing match!

Its official!

I spoke with the psychologist yesterday and he confirmed that he had already sent the agency his preliminary report that we passed and were good to move forward but because he had a couple questions about some of our answers to the crazy tests he hadn't sent his full report yet. After speaking with him and clearing everything up he said he would send the full report right away so we should be well on our way to matching now. I haven't heard from the agency but am sending an email today to inquire. I also realized earlier this week that I had forgotten to send my insurance information and booklet to the agency so I spent a good 3 hours scanning, saving and emailing all that stuff over. I need to check and make sure she got it as well.
I really wish I had more news right now, like they have a couple of profiles for us to check out but hopefully that will come very soon! I'm ready to move on and start shooting up!!!!
Fingers crossed that we are able to match pretty quickly because I am going to be pretty picky this time around. There are certain things that I just simply will not agree to this time around after having BTDT!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Crazy is as crazy does

Well, it looks so far like we've passed the crazy tests once again! Got them all fooled good! LOL J/K
Obviously, we've now had our appointment with the psychologist, finished the MMPI2 tests and another kind of test. We were a little late in making the appt, well ok a lot late but really it wasn't our fault. First off, Ryssa got home a lot later than normal on the bus and we still had to take them to my sister's and then leave down. By that time we have about 30 mins to make a 50+ min drive and then about 1/4 of the way there we hit road construction and we went from 70mph to 55mph the rest of the way there. Yea, we were late. LOL But thankfully the psychologist was kind enough to wait for us to get there and still was very pleasant to talk with.
We talked about our past journies, the good and the bad, and how they have changed our thoughts and views now.
When it was time to go he told us that from everything we'd said he didn't see that he would have any problems giving us the go-ahead to do it again! Of course he still had to score and look over the tests we had to take but he didn't forsee there being any problems with that. We will have to wait until next week I'm assuming before IARC gets the "clearance" they need from him but I have a good feeling about this!
Small but BIG update this time. Maybe next time I'll have an even better update so stay tuned....

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Flying through so far

Well, the same day I returned the ROI to my local clinic/hospital they faxed my info over. Mayo on the other hand is being more difficult. They faxed and said they couldn't fax the records they would need the full address to snail mail them. :( So yea thats going to take a bit longer than I had wanted but thats ok. I also found out that I don't need to take the MMPI2 test again which is a big relief for me. Not that I was afraid I wouldn't "pass" it, there is no right or wrong to the test its just a way to find where your strengths and weaknesses are. I still have to have a psychological evaluation along with my husband but thats ok too. Hopefully that will get done in a couple of weeks. Then the ONLY thing left for me to do is scan my insurance booklet and cards and send those to Keely. From there I should be able to be matched and get this show on the road.
There is one thing I'm quite sad about though. V, my IM from my first journey, contacted me yesterday and still really really wants another journey but K just isn't going for it. I would absolutely LOVE to help them again!! Even if its 5 years from now, I will help them as long as I'm capable of doing so.
So thats my small update thus far!