Saturday, May 2, 2009

Flying through so far

Well, the same day I returned the ROI to my local clinic/hospital they faxed my info over. Mayo on the other hand is being more difficult. They faxed and said they couldn't fax the records they would need the full address to snail mail them. :( So yea thats going to take a bit longer than I had wanted but thats ok. I also found out that I don't need to take the MMPI2 test again which is a big relief for me. Not that I was afraid I wouldn't "pass" it, there is no right or wrong to the test its just a way to find where your strengths and weaknesses are. I still have to have a psychological evaluation along with my husband but thats ok too. Hopefully that will get done in a couple of weeks. Then the ONLY thing left for me to do is scan my insurance booklet and cards and send those to Keely. From there I should be able to be matched and get this show on the road.
There is one thing I'm quite sad about though. V, my IM from my first journey, contacted me yesterday and still really really wants another journey but K just isn't going for it. I would absolutely LOVE to help them again!! Even if its 5 years from now, I will help them as long as I'm capable of doing so.
So thats my small update thus far!

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