Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Finally moving forward!

It's taken quite a while and a lot of back and forth and wording changes, additions, subtractions and more to finally get here. My IP's, now known as J&M, have agreed to the contract as it sits as have I and we will be getting the final one soon to sign and get a move on the rest of things!
I need to have my IUD out and I suppose if I'm doing that I will also have my yearly done and if they would tell me what I needed as for testing I could go ahead and have that done as well. My fear is that it will take for-bloody-ever to get in to get this all done which in a way would suck and yet be a blessing. It will suck simply because, well it will take that much longer to get to transfer but it would be a blessing because if we wait until the end of April or May-ish to transfer then we Ansil goes to Rochester for the pool tournament for a weekend I can go with AND party! Well, no matter how it all falls, it will be for the best.
I'm just happy to say that we are finally moving forward instead of being stuck in a rut or sorts.

Although, I did get some news that kind of makes me sad. My first IP's I guess are almost positively moving forward and I won't be able to help them because, well obviously I'm already matched. :( This makes me sad BUT their first surrogate is available and if they really do move forward she is going to help them!!!

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