Sunday, March 14, 2010

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming

Since my last update we have officially signed the contract with J & M! I had my IUD out about 4 weeks ago now and am on birth control pills as the first step for cycling. I am applying for my first ever passport in the morning and will hopefully be receiving the medical testing kit in the next day or 2 and then we will be ready to cycle!!! This is such an exciting time but I'm glad to have a bit of time before transfer yet so I have time to let it all sink in that I am actually doing this again, especially since saying that I was absolutely done after my last journey. LOL
I do have something in life kind of overshadowing things right now though. My grandpa's heart stopped this weekend and he is now in the hospital 2 hours away. We don't know why it stopped nor do we know why he is bleeding internally (which is also something we didn't know before this weekend) but I hope we hear some answers in the next day or 2 and that grandpa has some time left with us. I'm not ready to lose my last living grandparent just yet and and my girls aren't ready either.
So I'm doing a lot of praying lately and honestly my head just isn't "in the game" so to speak with the surrogacy just yet.

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