Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I'm pregnant!!!

Ok so yes at this moment in time I AM pregnant but we just had the transfer today. LOL Dr. Virro chose to transfer 2 (scary I know) but I hope his statistics about the possibility of twins is right and that I only get pregnant with 1!
Anyway, the embryos were better than the best, they are super embryos! A typical day 3 embryo only has 8 cells and has a grade I or II and they had 2 of them but the super embryos were already 16 celled morulas which makes them a day 4 embryo on day 3!!! These are the best embryos I have transferred yet so this just HAS to work! They are growing the other 2 out for another 5 days or something like that before freezing them and I hope they stick around just in case.
I don't have a bad feeling about this but I haven't really had a good good feeling like I have in the past. Its been so different this time around that I haven't really given much thought to it all, I've just been going through the motions. Sitting here now, I feel pretty good about this but I'm so nervous still and I have no idea why!

Hopefully in a few days we will know something and it better be good news!!

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