Thursday, June 18, 2009

I'm so undecided!

I received an email today that they had a possible match for me. The couple is only a couple hours away from me, they have 3 kids through IVF and 3 frozen embryos. They want to give the embryos a chance at life but if it doesn't work they will not be moving forward with a fresh cycle.
This couple worries me for a couple reasons. First, they want to transfer 2 embryos. Second, its basically a one time deal because they only have 3 embryos and since they are frozen they will need to be thawed and the success rate of that is not the best. And third, to be honest, because the PIF is a doctor. Yea, that may sound tacky but they say doctors make the worst patients and I do NOT want to be over analyzed or have my doctors orders/opinions/suggestions scrutinized.
I could deal with most of my worries but I really REALLY don't want to go through another multiples pregnancy. I was so utterly miserable with the last set and I was soooo lucky to have a very uneventful vaginal delivery, I just don't think my luck will hold up once again and I'm absolutely terrified of a c-section.
Ansil thinks that we should at least talk with the couple before ruling anything out. I know in my head that is the right thing to do but I just don't want to. Maybe its because I'm not in the best frame of mind today or my emotions are running amok without me realizing it but I really want to write back and say no, I don't want to talk with them. :( And how terribly rude of me too!
Ansil also doesn't really have much of an opinion of them at this point other than to say give it a try and talk with them.
I guess thats what we will do but right now I'm really not feeling it and it sucks!

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