Sunday, December 20, 2009

Time to update once again

J&M from Spain decided that they liked me as much as I liked them and want to move forward with me! We have the contracts right now so we are in the negotiation phase. I was really hoping that Keely, the program coordinator, would have included a few other requests but I guess we didn't get that far with the last couple so she probably didn't know all of the changes I wanted.

In any case, I reviewed the contract this weekend, talked it over a bit with Ansil (to which I got the usual response to do as I saw fit, wow, lots of help there buddy LOL) and finally sat down today to write up my contract revision requests. I don't honestly know how this couple is going to react to the requests, although it's not like I'm asking for huge changes that will force them to pay more than they planned, they are basically wording changes which can be harmless enough. But, everyone thinks differently so the simple wording changes might be a big deal to them.

I really hope that this can all be wrapped up by the first of the year or the first week in January so we are ready to move full speed ahead when the RE is back in the office.

Keep your fingers crossed for me and say a little prayer that this goes relatively smoothly! I need some good news again. :)

Monday, November 23, 2009

Quick update

I'm super tired tonight and should really be in bed but I had to make my grocery list for tomorrow's store run to get all I need for Thanksgiving. Then I realized that it's been a long time since I updated this so I figured I could do it quickly.
The possible match with that last couple didn't work out which is fine but I was hoping to be started by now. It's for the best I'm sure.
I just had a conference call with another couple today. They are from Spain and he speaks English fluently, she doesn't speak English. Their situation and reasons for choosing surrogacy are quite similar to the first couple I was a surrogate for and they seem very laid back and understanding just like my first IPs as well. I have a good feeling about them and I hope they feel the same. I will be talking with the coordinator a bit more tomorrow and I hope to hear if we are a match before Thanksgiving however I doubt it will happen that soon. Probably not until next week which makes me sad but the best things in life are worth waiting for!
I'm quite excited though because this really does feel pretty good!
That's it for now, hopefully I'll be back very soon with excellent news!!!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Contract time

Contract is in my hand, well its in my email anyway. Had a chance to quickly look it over last night and lets just say I'm not thrilled with it. For starters, the IPs want me to lower a couple of my fees by almost half and I'm sorry but that ain't gonna happen. Reason they want it lower? Based on the fees of other surrogates profiles they viewed.... Sorry, having been through a multiple pregnancy and never having had that major abdominal surgery called a c-section and never wanting it, I'm not willing to lower those fees.
And, thats just the tip of the iceberg so to speak. So much language crap that I'm NOT ok with. I don't think they should have much of a say in who my doctor is nor do I think they should be able to choose my doctor, I also don't think I should be contractually obligated to having them in the delivery room "if they so choose", especially if our relationship isn't wonderful. As for doctors, well I've worked with 2 OBs and I won't work any others unless I have no choice such as the OB no longer practices and both OBs have been absolutely wonderful with myself, the pregnancies and the IPs at the time.
There are a couple other things that need to be changed but I don't think that will be a big issue.

Unfortunately, I won't have a chance to talk with Ansil about any of this for a while yet so I don't know what his thought is on it.

I'm not very happy right now though and it makes it hard to respond in a nice way. I told the coordinator that those 2 fees are non-negotiable right from the beginning, my decision hasn't and won't change no matter what. I'm afraid this isn't going to work out.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Rolling along, slowly but surely

Today, the contract was sent to S&P. My coordinator was kind enough to make a couple changes she already knew I wanted, although she of course has to let them know what the "template" contract said. I'm not really sure if I will get the contract early next week or not because my PIP's are going on vacation this weekend. I really hope they have time to look it over before they leave so I can look it over. I think it would be nicer if we got it at the same time, thats what happened with my last journey but whatever, I'll wait.
I'm worried that I will have to make several changes to it though but hopefully they won't mind much and will understand.

I also got a new idea about how to get into working with IARC as an employee! Since my coordinator is the owner's daughter and I've talked to the owner several times about this and have been told I have the job I just need to work onsite, I thought I'd try his daughter. LOL She is super nice, understanding and was very open to my idea and also knew that it would be a great addition to the agency. So...........she told me to write up my proposal of what I would be doing, work I could alleviate from the coordinators, how to manage time, how many hours etc and send it to her. Of course, I have no problem logging into something and clocking my time, but some of what I'm proposing won't necessarily "show" results so someone would have to contact the same people I'm supposed to be contacting just to kind of check up on me. Anyway, I'm really hoping and praying that this is it! It's a passion of mine and I know I can do it and do an excellent job at it. It would be a dream come true for me!!!! (Not to mention we could REALLY use this income right now but that only prompted me to find another way to work on the owner about this LOL)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

It's not much, yet it's a lot!

I heard back from the coordinator Monday afternoon. I thought for sure she would have emailed or called right away Monday but it was as usual, late in the afternoon. I was trying not to think about and keeping myself busy to keep my mind off of it all day even though I didn't realize it at the time. Anyway, in the email she said that she had just gotten off the phone with S and she was really excited! Apparently S&P felt a good connection with us right away and they very much wanted to work with us!
They are drawing up the contract right now to send to S&P first and that should be Mon. next week and I will get it the following week. This is a pretty scary time for me though because my last match through IARC fell through because of the contract. IARC has very specific wording for certain things and they like their fees to remain about the same and I already know from my first journey what will HAVE to be changed right away. I know almost exactly what I want this time around that I feel is very fair and just for an experienced 3rd time surrogate, and one who hasn't had a c-section nor will agree to one just because. My fees are higher than the first time I was with IARC but they are all nearly the same as my 2nd time. I don't know, I guess we'll just see what happens.
Thank God Ansil is much more involved this time! I really like that he is so we can discuss everything and it's not just me talking and him ignoring me. Hopefully he will actually start his own blog! I would really like to read exactly what he's thinking no matter what it is.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Captain, the ship has landed!

I'm not a captain, I don't have a ship and I'm not going nor have I been sailing or on a cruise. Well, I did take this cruise once when I was 15 but thats neither here nor there.
Anwayyyyyyyyyyy, I've made a decision about S&P, the PIP's that I've been blabbering on about recently. Maybe you'll think it's a good decision, maybe you won't but it's MY decision.

I've decided......
(enough of that crap already)
YES! I wrote the coordinator an email this afternoon and said that if they are still willing and wanting to work with me, I'll do it. And of course I apologized for taking my sweet sweet time in making the decision. Now we'll see what happens from here I guess. For all I know they don't want to work with me anymore even.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Still lost and confused

I know the title probably describes me 99.9% of the time but this is ONLY concerning surrogacy. LOL
Anyway, this week I would have had a chance to speak to the Potential IM one on one if I had checked my email earlier than I did. Unfortunately I didn't but I don't know that it would have helped much.
Its not them at all, they are a wonderful couple and I have no doubts that if I choose them the journey will be fine. Its just, how long will that journey last, thats holding me back. And I feel horrible, really horrible.
Its been over a week now and I'm still lost. I don't even know what to say to the agency coordinator anymore. I told her my concerns and what my biggest hold up is and I know she kind of understands but I don't think she REALLY gets it.
Can't someone just tell me what to do??????

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Conference call completed!

It was....umm....interesting to say the least. It lasted nearly 2 hours which surprised me. I really thought it wouldn't last that long but we talked about a lot of things. I was nice of course but I was kind of blunt or rather "real" is the word to use. I didn't hide what I was thinking really or try to pretty up what has happened in the past. I wanted them to know that I was quite hurt with my last journey and that I am a bit scared about embarking on a new one. Well, not just scared but very cautious as well.
I think they answered all the questions I could think of and then a few I thought of at the time. Granted, there are 2 things that still kind of worry me, well 3 actually, but the rest of it all sounded really good. Now I'm at the point of, do I want to take that leap despite my worries or do I want to pass? Passing could be a longer wait, not passing could mean I'm jeopardizing a happy stress free journey. But see, well I'll just write my worries out and maybe that will help me.
#1 they want to transfer 2 embryos as long as there are 2 to transfer.
#2 this could basically be a one shot deal. 3 frozen embryos only, all 3 thawed depending on how each one looks they will take 2 of the best ones and won't transfer any that aren't good or excellent which could also mean only 1 gets transferred
#3 IF and it is a BIG IF, an embryo splits and I end up with triplets or quads, there will be NO selective reduction

Now, with #1 I think I can handle transferring 2 embryos for a couple reasons. The embryos have been on ice for 14 years. She was 29 when they were fertilized and were obviously good quality at that time. The RE has told her there is only a 25% chance of each embryo being good or excellent quality. If by chance all 3 are good/excellent, they will still only transfer 2 and refreeze the last one. In that case, whether those 2 transferred result in a live birth or not, they will want to do another cycle with the last remaining embry to give it a chance at life. So really, my chances of just getting pregnant are slim, the chance of prenancy with twins is slim and the chance at pregnancy with HOM is even slimmer. This is a lot of work, time, energy, emotions to go into a one shot deal, even though I fully understand why they are doing it.

#2, well I think I covered that along with #1. Lots of time to spend on a one shot deal. Is it worth it to me?

#3 Its not really a huge issue but it does kind of concern me. Only in the sense that I had a very hard twin pregnancy and I'm scared to go through another, any more than twins really terrifies me. Along with that, I'm not so sure I'd even have a shot at delivering triplets vaginally and anyone who knows me at all knows that I'm also terrified of having a c-section. If I did I'm afraid that my pregnancy days truly would be over and that deeply saddens me.

Yes I realize that just having another pregnancy and complications could cause my pregnancy days to be over and I'm ok with that. The reason the c-section thing scares me is because I would have to fight like hell to have a VBAC I'm sure and I know good and well that I don't heal very easily from surgeries. The pain from a c-section is likely to cripple me for a good long time and thats not something that I would want to repeat EVER again.

Some of this I'm sure people will say just suck it up! They aren't that big of issues and you can work with it all. This of course is true. :) Does it mean I should suck it up though? I'm not sure and thats kind of where I'm struggling right now. I'm kind of in the same boat I was with my 2nd surrogacy and because of that I rushed head first into it and look where I ended up. Heartbroken and stressed. No, I didn't have an agency to fight for me at that time and I would now, but I still learned an important lesson about rushing into this type of thing.

I guess I'm going to take my time to really think about this and hopefully God will show me the way (even though I'm deaf, dumb and blind when it comes to his messages most of the time).

Keep me in your thoughts as I filter through all this information and crazy emotions to get to the right decision.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

I'm so undecided!

I received an email today that they had a possible match for me. The couple is only a couple hours away from me, they have 3 kids through IVF and 3 frozen embryos. They want to give the embryos a chance at life but if it doesn't work they will not be moving forward with a fresh cycle.
This couple worries me for a couple reasons. First, they want to transfer 2 embryos. Second, its basically a one time deal because they only have 3 embryos and since they are frozen they will need to be thawed and the success rate of that is not the best. And third, to be honest, because the PIF is a doctor. Yea, that may sound tacky but they say doctors make the worst patients and I do NOT want to be over analyzed or have my doctors orders/opinions/suggestions scrutinized.
I could deal with most of my worries but I really REALLY don't want to go through another multiples pregnancy. I was so utterly miserable with the last set and I was soooo lucky to have a very uneventful vaginal delivery, I just don't think my luck will hold up once again and I'm absolutely terrified of a c-section.
Ansil thinks that we should at least talk with the couple before ruling anything out. I know in my head that is the right thing to do but I just don't want to. Maybe its because I'm not in the best frame of mind today or my emotions are running amok without me realizing it but I really want to write back and say no, I don't want to talk with them. :( And how terribly rude of me too!
Ansil also doesn't really have much of an opinion of them at this point other than to say give it a try and talk with them.
I guess thats what we will do but right now I'm really not feeling it and it sucks!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Not much going on

My profile has been sent out a few times and I personally haven't heard anything other than "nobody is ready for a phone conference yet" so I'm not entirely sure what that means. I asked if there was anything in my profile I needed to change or reword or take out and was told that it all looks great. I am getting the feeling though that theres something in there thats turning people off and it might be because of what I wrote in my "Dear Parents" letter. I was kinda frank about the issues with my last journey. I don't think it was bad per se but I can see how it could be construed as such because, well, it was pretty bad going through it. I am quite specific with certain things that I want and don't want this time around and although I would love to just say "yeah I'll do whatever you want" to match quickly, I really really really don't want to change what I know I need. My entire family will suffer for it, I know, I've seen it happen already. I know hubby is wanting things to move a bit quicker too but its just not and theres not a whole lot I can do about it right now. I was really hoping that I wouldn't have to be pregnant over my birthday again as it will be my 30th next year but it looks like I definitely will be now. I wish hubby would have agreed to this sooner so I could have been matching much much earlier than now. Ah well, can't change anything now!
So, theres an update albeit not much of one right now. Keep your fingers crossed that I have a much better one in the near NEAR future!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Discouraged a bit

Well, there is still no response from the German couple and I'm starting to think its because they aren't interested in me. They did send my profile to another local couple, well they are in MN although I don't know where so they are waiting on a response from them as well. I do hope that I hear something come Monday. I am feeling a bit discouraged. I know it can sometimes take a while to find the right couple and I know I'm a pretty ideal candidate considering this is my 3rd journey but I do have some pretty specific parameters that the couples need to agree to. Things that I will not compromise on. I've learned a lot through my first 2 journies and I've sworn I will not forget those lessons or let a great couple talk me out of what I feel I need.
I realize that you can't always prepare for every situation but I want to be covered in case the same things arise that have in the past.
I suppose this might be a hard selling point to some but really I'm not asking anything way out of the norm and if the couples truly care about ME and my family, they will understand and gladly accept things as they are.
Keep your fingers crossed for me, I'm really in need of some good news soon!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Biting nails!

Well, I just heard that my profile has been sent to a German couple who speak very good English! I'm so nervous and so excited I can't put it into words!!! This is really happening again and I can't believe it. I didn't think my wonderful husband would ever allow me to but he has and things are moving along nice and smooth. Wish us luck that this first couple will be THE couple and it will be another amazing match!

Its official!

I spoke with the psychologist yesterday and he confirmed that he had already sent the agency his preliminary report that we passed and were good to move forward but because he had a couple questions about some of our answers to the crazy tests he hadn't sent his full report yet. After speaking with him and clearing everything up he said he would send the full report right away so we should be well on our way to matching now. I haven't heard from the agency but am sending an email today to inquire. I also realized earlier this week that I had forgotten to send my insurance information and booklet to the agency so I spent a good 3 hours scanning, saving and emailing all that stuff over. I need to check and make sure she got it as well.
I really wish I had more news right now, like they have a couple of profiles for us to check out but hopefully that will come very soon! I'm ready to move on and start shooting up!!!!
Fingers crossed that we are able to match pretty quickly because I am going to be pretty picky this time around. There are certain things that I just simply will not agree to this time around after having BTDT!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Crazy is as crazy does

Well, it looks so far like we've passed the crazy tests once again! Got them all fooled good! LOL J/K
Obviously, we've now had our appointment with the psychologist, finished the MMPI2 tests and another kind of test. We were a little late in making the appt, well ok a lot late but really it wasn't our fault. First off, Ryssa got home a lot later than normal on the bus and we still had to take them to my sister's and then leave down. By that time we have about 30 mins to make a 50+ min drive and then about 1/4 of the way there we hit road construction and we went from 70mph to 55mph the rest of the way there. Yea, we were late. LOL But thankfully the psychologist was kind enough to wait for us to get there and still was very pleasant to talk with.
We talked about our past journies, the good and the bad, and how they have changed our thoughts and views now.
When it was time to go he told us that from everything we'd said he didn't see that he would have any problems giving us the go-ahead to do it again! Of course he still had to score and look over the tests we had to take but he didn't forsee there being any problems with that. We will have to wait until next week I'm assuming before IARC gets the "clearance" they need from him but I have a good feeling about this!
Small but BIG update this time. Maybe next time I'll have an even better update so stay tuned....

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Flying through so far

Well, the same day I returned the ROI to my local clinic/hospital they faxed my info over. Mayo on the other hand is being more difficult. They faxed and said they couldn't fax the records they would need the full address to snail mail them. :( So yea thats going to take a bit longer than I had wanted but thats ok. I also found out that I don't need to take the MMPI2 test again which is a big relief for me. Not that I was afraid I wouldn't "pass" it, there is no right or wrong to the test its just a way to find where your strengths and weaknesses are. I still have to have a psychological evaluation along with my husband but thats ok too. Hopefully that will get done in a couple of weeks. Then the ONLY thing left for me to do is scan my insurance booklet and cards and send those to Keely. From there I should be able to be matched and get this show on the road.
There is one thing I'm quite sad about though. V, my IM from my first journey, contacted me yesterday and still really really wants another journey but K just isn't going for it. I would absolutely LOVE to help them again!! Even if its 5 years from now, I will help them as long as I'm capable of doing so.
So thats my small update thus far!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

On the road again....

I just couldn't wait to get on the road again!
Well I could wait and I did wait but not necessarily because I wanted to. Yes I wanted to give my body time to get back to "normal" but my wonderful husband wasn't too keen on the idea of a third journey unless it was a sibling project for my first IPs. But, I've slipped in a few words here and there this last year that I wanted to do it again and finally he has agreed to it. It comes with a couple conditions, the main one being that this couple is husband approved. See, my last couple wasn't husband approved, in fact he told me that I should really think twice before working with them and I didn't listen and we went through a lot of unnecessary stuff because of it. Granted, it ended with the birth of 2 amazing babies, Emerson and Maxwell, who, albeit came early at 34w3d, are perfectly healthy but it was rough getting there.
Anyway, I contacted the first agency I worked with, well the only one really as the last match was independently made, and they were happy to have me back. I'm in the beginning process of updating everything with them and getting cleared mentally and physically before I can match with anyone. I just got the new application today and filled that out. I need to call the clinics and hospital to get my medical records and get my insurance booklet sent off. Then I need to make an appt to have my head shrunk and make sure I'm no more crazy today than I was 4 years ago and then I believe I need doctor approval and THEN comes the medical testing. I think after that I will be free to be matched.
Another thing that has possibly changed this time around is that Ansil has possibly given the OK for me to work with gay intended fathers! This is something I've wanted to do since my first journey but Ansil has been very adamant about me working only with traditional couples. Needless to say its very exciting and I really hope that he sticks with his word. If not, oh well, at least I'm able to do another journey that is on my heart to do!!!!